Glance at Experience
4 scientific publications;
12 data science projects;
Nearly 20 GitHub repositories;
Over 120 projects completed on DataCamp;
More than 200 data science courses completed;
Described by students as the most charismatic lecturer in the faculty.
As a “double master” — not a Jedi Master (though that would be pretty awesome), but someone who holds two master’s degrees — I’ve combined my expertise in law and mathematics to delve into the world of forensic science. My research primarily focuses on evaluating evidence related to time of death estimation, developing tools that could greatly assist judges and forensic experts in their critical decision-making processes. In my professional life as a data scientist, I tackle a variety of projects, with a current emphasis on integrating AI into legal practice.
Why did I choose this path? Once I heard a lawyer say, ‘If I could do math, I would be too powerful’, and that was the moment when I decided to gain that power. When I’m not dissecting legal texts or crunching data, you can find me sipping fine Matcha, diving into psychology studies, or working on my calisthenics routine.
I’ve just shared something I’m really proud of—a preprint titled “Forensically useful mid-term and short-term temperature reconstruction for quasi-indoor death scenes” on ArXiv. This one was a tough project, but it’s a big success for me.
Check it out on ArXiv if you’re curious!
I’ve just ventured into something a bit different — a light-hearted article about tea, now up on Medium. It’s a small departure from my usual academic work, but sometimes it’s refreshing to explore new brews. Feel free to take a sip of it here!
I’m thrilled to announce that I’ve just completed my second website! It’s been another exciting journey full of learning and challenges. I’m eager to share it with you. You are looking at it right now!
I’ve just completed my very first website! It’s been a challenging but rewarding experience, and I’m excited to share it with the world.